Thursday, August 23, 2012

Golden Nuggets

Just a quick moment of encouragement brought to you by the wise words of Jeanne Mayo!

When it seems like everything in life is suddenly going crazy...& it feels like suddenly, everything is coming at you all at once: Realize that there is PROBABLY an element of spiritual warfare. (Time out. Some of you might be thinking "spiritual warfare"? Sounds creepy! But check out Ephesians 6:12!) That doesn't mean that it's ALL spiritual but...

If you have a coop of chickens & they suddenly all start squawking & getting jumpy- even if you can't see it...odds are there is a predator nearby.

SO, when life is crazy & everything seems to be going haywire. You can take a quiet authority (because the enemy of your life is nothing but a LIAR) & stand on God's TRUTH. Know that you will get through it. Remind yourself that you WILL (by the grace of God!) come out on the other side- & you will be stronger for it!

Just a friendly reminder from some people who love YOU!
Jeremiah 29:11-13